SaudiVax will be the 1st in the region producing halal biopharma products.
SaudiVax aims to utilize the current gaps in vaccines manufacturing in the region.
SaudiVax aims to build the needed ecosystem for biotech in the Kingdom including R&D, education and specialized facilities to secure technology and knowledge transfer.


Is to Develop and Manufacture Halal vaccines and biopharmaceuticals to Saudi Arabia, MENA and the Islamic world.


Manufacture high quality and affordable vaccines and biopharmaceuticals localized in Saudi Arabia by Saudis for the national self-sufficiency and pandemic preparedness.

Message from the Managing Director

There is a great, unmet need worldwide for vaccines and biologics to protect against infectious disease and support global health.

Member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) frequently suffer from deficiencies in vaccines and therapeutics produced worldwide for global consumptions and the absence of attention to the local diseases that are not attractive to the worldwide market.

These needs result from the chronic reduced capacity for local discovery, development and manufacturing of vaccines and therapeutics, resulting in frequent vaccines shortfalls and the absence of Halal compliant products. Addressing these needs was the inspiration for the creation of SaudiVax.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a member of the G20 countries with socio-economic leadership status in the Muslim world and with additional responsibilities relating to the safety of the millions of pilgrims that visit the two wholly mosques.

The kingdom supports healthcare and vaccination programs in many countries worldwide and does practice a reliable immunization program against multiple infectious diseases to ensure its citizens’ health and safety and the heatlthiness of religious visitors. SaudiVax strives to be an integral part of the Kingdom’s efforts to combat pandemic preparedness and assure national health security and support the objectives of the SaudiVision 2030 in establishing this new industry in the Kingdom.

Contracted Research Agreements
Product Pipeline
Academic & Society Affiliation